Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, more successful than Reza Shah

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was much more successful in reforming his country than Reza Shah for a few reasons.  The first, and what I feel is the major reason why he was successful, was that the reforms in Turkey during the Ottoman Empire were already underway before Ataturk began to reform.  Ataturk essentially expanded on these western reforms that were already in place, and it allowed for the people to adapt them easier.  In Iran, under Reza Shah, these reforms were totally new ideas and it was perceived as very radical by the people.  The second reason that Ataturk was more successful is because he was forced to create a state and government at the same time which allowed them to fuse together.  Reza Shah had to create a new government in a state that already existed, which made it much harder for the reforms to work.  One of the final reasons that Ataturk was successful was because he took power by popular revolution, whereas Reza Shah took power in Iran by a coup d'etat.  Obviously, the people are supporting Ataturk with the revolution and Reza Shah is forcing his ideas on the people of Iran.  These are all just a few reasons why Ataturk was successful and Reza Shah was not. 

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